Below are agreement templates of varying scopes. Please review the templates and determine which is most appropriate for your proposed agreeement.
Contact the following for interest in these specific types of agreements
Type of Agreement | Contact at UC Berkeley |
Undergraduate Student Exchange programs and summer sessions | Summer Sessions, Study Abroad, & Lifelong Learning |
Undergraduate or Graduate student customized short-term programs for international students through UC Extension | UC Extension International Programs |
Sponsored Agreements - set out requirements for accepting funds in support of a specific project or program. Includes Grants, Contracts, Cooperative Agreements, and Subawards. Also reviews binding but unfunded agreements with government and nonprofit entities | Sponsored Projects Office |
Philanthropic opportunities for international constituents | University Development and Alumni Relations |
Industry sponsored research agreements, industry affiliate programs, Material Transfers (incoming), Data Use Agreements (incoming). Also reviews binding but unfunded agreements with corporations | Industry Alliances Office |
Business Contracts - Sales and service agreements, including executive education, MOOCs, facility use, training, representation, and business collaboration. | Business Contracts and Brand Protection |
Consulting Agreements | Supply Chain Management |
Intellectual Property protection and licensing, copyrights, patents, trademarks, licenses, technology transfer, material transfers (outgoing), outgoing data. | Office of Technology Licensing |
Graduate student exchange programs | Graduate Division |