International Engagement Policy Task Force (IEPTF) 2019

The IEPTF is charged with providing guidance to campus leadership on Berkeley's international policies, protocol, and global engagement strategy

The Task Force was convened from April-December 2019, with full review and recommendations completed in December 2019. 

View the executive summary

In recent years, there has been an increasing discussion led by U.S. Federal agencies and Congress about the nature of U.S. universities and their engagement with international institutions and governments. This oversight and inquiry is expected to continue and increase, with new disclosure and compliance requirements a likely outcome in the near future. Berkeley has long been at the forefront of international engagement, with a myriad of activities administered by numerous offices. In this growing era of more scrutiny of international activities, we must continue to take the lead in developing policies and practices that comply with sponsors requirements, while ensuring the highest degree of academic freedom.

To address this evolving environment, Lisa Alvarez-Cohen, Vice Provost for Academic Planning, and Randy Katz, Vice Chancellor for Research, convened the UC Berkeley International Engagement Policy Task Force in 2019, charged with providing guidance to campus leadership on the critical and timely activities necessary to respond to emerging guidance from UCOP and requests from external agencies. To align efforts, the Task Force leveraged the structure and expertise of the standing International Activities Coordination Group (IACG), combined with strong faculty representation and additional guidance from VC Research Randy Katz. 

The work of the Task Force was conducted through three sub-teams:

  • International Agreements & Research Funding
  • International Students, Visitors & Travelers
  • Communications

Questions about the task force can be directed to the Global Engagement Office ( or the Vice Chancellor for Research Office (

International Engagement Policy Task Force Members
NameTitle and Department
Lisa Alvarez­-CohenCo-Chair, Vice Provost for Academic Planning & Senior International Officer
Randy KatzCo-Chair, Vice Chancellor for Research
Jennifer AhernAssociate Dean for Research, Public Health & Associate Professor of Epidemiology
Elizabeth BrashersInterim Chief of Staff to the Vice Chancellor for Research
Jyl BaldwinAssociate Director, Sponsored Projects Office
Constance (Connie) Chang-­HasnainAssociate Dean for Strategic Alliances, Engineering & Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
Julie ConnerAssociate Campus Counsel, Office of Legal Affairs
Laila DeBerryCampus Risk Manager, Risk Services
Darek DeFreeceManaging Director, New Academic Ventures at Berkeley (NAV­B)
Jeroen DewulfAssociate Professor, Institute of European Studies & Associate Professor, German
Ivor EmmanuelDirector, Berkeley International Office (BIO)
Roger FalconeProfessor of Physics
Angela FordAssociate Director, Sponsored Projects Office
James FordChief of Staff, Vice Provost for Academic Planning
Eric GiegerichDirector, Industry Alliances Office
Alaisha HellmanExport Control Officer, Coordinator of COI Committee
Michele HuffDirector, Business Contracts & Brand Protection (BCBP)
David JeuAssistant Vice Chancellor, International Relations
Mio Katayama OwensAssistant Dean, International and Executive Programs, College of Natural Resources
Yvette Lane-­NewtonDirector, Visiting Scholar and Postdoc Affairs (VSPA)
Kunxin LuoProfessor of Cell & Developmental Biology
Trond PetersenAssociate Dean of the Division of Social Sciences & Academic Director, Peder Sather Center
William ReichleCommunications Director, Vice Chancellor for Administration
Rick RussoDean, Summer Sessions, Study Abroad, & Lifelong Learning (SSALL) & Associate Vice Chancellor, Undergraduate Education
Pat SchlesingerAssistant Vice Chancellor, Research Administration & Compliance
Costas SpanosProfessor and Chair of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences & Director of CITRIS and the Banatao Institute
Ashley SpinelliSenior Global Engagement Specialist, Global Engagement Office
Anthony St. GeorgeAssistant Dean, International and Corporate Partnerships, College of Engineering
Chris TreadwayAssistant Chancellor, Government and Community Relations
Alice TsaiGlobal Engagement Specialist, Global Engagement Office
Karl van BibberProfessor, Berkeley Nuclear Engineering & Research Associate Dean, ERSO Region (College of Environmental Design, School of Information & College of Engineering)