We welcome discussions of the possibilities for institutional collaboration if there is a strong interest and commitment among our faculty to support such a relationship. The Global Engagement Office (GEO) oversees bilateral and multilateral agreements to facilitate the exchange of faculty members, postdoctoral students, and graduate students participating in collaborative research and academic programs of mutual interest between and among partner institutions.
In our experience, institutional partnerships are only sustainable if there is mutual faculty interest and commitment; therefore, any proposal for a formal institutional relationship must have at least one UC Berkeley faculty sponsor. Exchange agreements overseen by our office are generally initiated by UC Berkeley faculty members who see unique value in partnering with particular international institutions.

Tsu-Jae King Liu (right), former UC Berkeley Vice Provost for Academic & Space Planning, and Mayor Albrecht Schrö ter (left) from Berkeley's Sister City in Germany, discuss collaboration between Friedrich Schiller University and UC Berkeley.