Applying to Berkeley as a Visiting Scholar, Student Researcher, or Postdoc

Please visit the Visiting Scholar and Postdoc Affairs website for eligibility and instructions on how to apply for a Visiting Scholar, Visiting Student Researcher, or Postdoctoral Scholar appointment.

Step 1: 

Contact a UC Berkeley faculty member in your department of interest and see if they would be interested in collaborating with you on your research project and willing to serve as your faculty sponsor while you are here. It is recommended that you contact your desired faculty sponsor 3-5 months in advance of your intended start date.

Step 2: 

After gaining approval from the faculty member, you will work directly with the faculty's home department to complete all application requirements and other necessary paperwork.

*Some departments have formal visiting scholar and student researcher application processes while other departments do not have a formal process in place. Check GEO's list of departmental visiting scholar programs first before reaching out to faculty members.