April 2020 BIG Meeting: Your emotional well-being amid COVID-19

Your Emotional Well-Being Amid COVID-19

Professional guidance on how to cope with personal and professional challenges under current circumstances

Event Details

April 15, 2020 | 11am-12pm |  Zoom

  • Craig Mielcarski, Be Well at Work - Faculty/Staff Health Programs Director


In light of the rapidly evolving situation amid COVID-19, we understand that our colleagues are likely under stress while handling work and personal life and finding a balance while working remotely. Therefore, instead of having a presentation on regular topics related to international activities happening on campus, BIG would like to support our Berkeley colleagues by holding a presentation given by the University Health Services (UHS) Employee Assistance unit, in the hope of providing some relief to our colleagues so that they may have some professional guidance on how to take care of their emotional well-being under the current circumstances.

In order to make the most out of this presentation for everyone, we would like to collect any questions you might have in advance, which would be helpful for our presenters to be better prepared and for the meeting to be run efficiently. Due to privacy concerns, you do not need to provide any personal information in this form

About Be Well at Work - Employee Assistance

This program provides no-cost, confidential counseling and referrals for UC Berkeley faculty, staff, visiting scholars, and postdocs. It is also the Employee Assistance program for the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Employee Assistance offers support in a wide range of issues, including:

  • work-related stress
  • relationship/couples issues
  • child and teenager challenges
  • depression, anxiety, and other emotional conditions
  • grief and loss
  • alcohol, drug and other addictions
  • elder and dependent adult care
  • consultations and training services for faculty and staff management

Presentation by: Craig Mielcarski, Be Well at Work - Faculty/Staff Health Programs Director