Student mobility

UC Berkeley offers a wide variety of programs that enable a wide variety of inbound and outbound student mobility at the undergraduate and graduate level.

Berkeley Haas Global Access Program (BHGAP)

This unique program provides international students with access to Berkeley Haas' top-notch faculty, courses and networks within the innovative ecosystem of the Bay Area and Silicon Valley. Through the Berkeley Haas Global Access Program (BHGAP), top-qualifying international students from both business and non-business backgrounds gain the knowledge, skills and connections necessary to excel as tomorrow's innovators and global leaders.

International students apply through UC Berkeley Extension. Students take 12 units of coursework and take courses with their international cohort in...

CEGA Global Networks

This program brings fellows from developing countries to UC Berkeley to build skills in conducting research that are policy-relevant for their own context abroad. CEGA holds a research grant competition each year for international fellows to collaborate with UC Berkeley faculty on research. This program provides new field research opportunities for faculty and PhD students, and facilitates institutional partnerships between UC Berkeley and the Global South. Program fellows have gone on to conduct their own successful research in their home countries and have remained close to the Berkeley...

College of Engineering Globe Visiting Scholar Program

Undergraduate students from participating partner universities apply through University Extension and Concurrent Enrollment study at UC Berkeley for one semester or a year. Students are guaranteed placement in select Engineering courses, and receive hands-on student support throughout their time on campus. The program brings approximately 35 students per semester, and 65 for the full year. Students pay the University Extension fees and additional College of Engineering fees.

More information is available on the...

Freie Universität Berlin Erasmus+

The European Union (EU) has provided funding to UC Berkeley’s College of Letters and Science and Freie Universität Berlin (FUB) to increase graduate student researcher, faculty, and staff mobility between the institutions.

Erasmus+ grantees are selected based on a variety of factors, including academic merit, professional experience, and socio-economic status. This grant is also specifically focused on supporting international experiences for people who have not spent significant time abroad previously.

Funding covers the travel costs for the participant and provides a...

IES Berkeley-Austria Pre-dissertation and Dissertation Fellowships

The UC Berkeley Institute of European Studies and the Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation have partnered to offer a Pre-Dissertation and Dissertation Research Grant for graduate students in the Social Sciences and the Humanities at all UC Campuses. Preference is given to projects in one of the strategic research areas of the Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation, including The Future of Industry from a Social and Economic Perspective and Transatlantic Connections between Austria and the United States. As the result of this partnership, IES receives two Austrian PhD students each year, and UC...

Global Startup Semester Program

Through the Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship & Technology’s (SCET) Global Startup Semester Program, international students have the opportunity to study at UC Berkeley for a semester of entrepreneurship and innovation courses, including the opportunity to advance a startup idea. Our courses use the globally-recognized Berkeley Method of Entrepreneurship, an approach that emphasizes hands-on venture-building, and learning the mindsets and behaviors that lead to entrepreneurial success.

In addition to gaining access to leading faculty in UC Berkeley's College of Engineering,...

Sciences Po – UC Berkeley Dual Degree Program

Students in the undergraduate Dual Degree Program spend their first two years at one of three Sciences Po campuses in France (Le Havre, Menton, or Reims), each with a unique focus and geography. All instruction is offered in English.

Students complete their last two years at UC Berkeley. During that time, students will be in the College of Letters and Science. They will take University, College, and Major requirements. Most students will select a major in the Social Sciences, which builds on the foundation they developed at Sciences Po.

Students pay fees directly to the...

Peder Sather Center for Advanced Study

The primary mission of the Peder Sather Center for Advanced Study is to strengthen ongoing research collaborations and foster the development of new research collaborations between faculty at the University of California, Berkeley and a consortium of nine participating Norwegian academic institutions.

Through a partnership with Norwegian universities and an international research council, UC Berkeley receives seed funding to facilitate research collaborations with universities abroad and serves as the administrative hub for these partnerships. UC...